Tuesday 22 January 2013

And again

Great characterization again

Great characterization

Chatacterization from children's t-shirt

Colour inspiration from Selfridges display

Clock visuals from Panto


Inspiration for the Tree house

The 'Visit Scotland' advert.

Inspiration for the Chimney house

Inspiration for the Windmill house 2

Inspiration for the Windmill house


Lighthouse 2

Violet's house (The Lighthouse)

The Aim

To create the visuals for Violet Small & The Leap of Fate.

The Book Blurb

Violet Small is a Leaper.
A Leaper is a child born on a Leap Year, on a Leap Day, on a Leap Second. A Leap Second is a frozen second in time used to synchronize clocks with the slowing rotations of the Earth. When a child is born into the Small lineage during this frozen second, they inherit the ability to leap around the world, using the golden lines of longitude and latitude. Violet Small had absolutely no idea what it meant to leap, nor did she know her parents were part of a secret Time Council, until today, 29th February. As Violet delves deeper into the truth about her past she finds there are darker matters at hand, her life is in danger. Professor Ludvick has already put his plan into action to become the ultimate ruler of time. His malevolent scheming will see the launch of the most accurate time keeping device, resulting in the destruction of the Time Council and the end to the Lineage of Leapers, once and for all. Violet Small must use her best detective skills to unravel the clues and stop Professor Ludvick before it's too late. She has until midnight tonight, if only time would allow itself to pass.

The Book in Question

Violet Small & The Leap of Fate is a tale full of dark twists and turns, odd but lustrous characters, living in a world filled with secrets and lies. Please may I introduce you to Violet Small.